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Taking over the management temporary for a project developer in the real estate sector

Creation of a funded project and the associated fundraising for a company dealing in the environ-mentally responsible processing of incineration waste and the production of non-ferrous metals.

Creation of a funded project in the field of research and development and the associated fundraising for a company in the automotive shipping industry.

Consulting and support for a project as a network manager to create a business cooperation in the automotive industry for the production of driver assistance systems on a laser basis.

Consulting and support of import and export tasks for technology goods subject to approval for equipment.

Consulting and support as a network manager for a project to create a corporate alliance in the automotive industry for establishing a mobile communication node.

Analysis, consulting and preparation of a company manual pertaining to companyprocesses security analysis and drawing up of the required documentation and its network integration into the system of a multinational industrial company.

Production and implementation of a company manual for the administration of a real estate management firm in accordance with DIN and ISO standards.

Consulting for municipal utilities in the areas of strategy and external controlling.

Creation of an investment plan for a broadband communication satellite for multimedia services.

Assumption of external controlling tasks for a wholesale company as well as for a telecommunications service provider.

Creation of a funding project and raising of public funds for a company to produce mobile telecommunication systems.

Drawing up and carrying out a restructuring plan for a wholesaler of roofing materials.

Financing and structuring a company to provide services under the Social Security Code.

Planning and carrying out the restructuring of a company for data and network systems.

Drawing up a funding scheme, and raising the funds, for a company manufacturing 3-D laser equipment used in the automated quality assurance of laser-bonded seam surfaces − of 3D high-speed sensors.

Drawing up a funding scheme, and raising the funds, for a company engaged in network control for city and regional carriers.

Developing and financing a service company to transmit multimedia broad-band services via geostationary satellites.

Drawing up a corporate and financial structure for a company dealing in film rights.

Structuring a company for medical diagnostic equipment.

Commercial support of reconstruction work on town houses in Berlin.

Drawing up a financial structure for a firm interested in technical innovation, specialising in tennis equipment.

Drawing up the funding structure for a multimedia company manufacturing flat screens and developing control systems.

Founding a new telephone company in Germany following the opening of the telecom s-market.

Founding and financing a logistics company making building-access equipment and materials.

Developing and realising real-estate projects in Berlin and the surrounding area.

Financing for various projects by sectors of the scaffolding-construction industry establishing themselves in Berlin and its vicinity.